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This is what Hitler asked the empty space that sounded him: "Blitzkrieg?" Damn fucking fish. A note: I fucked my mother with a fish once. This is what she said. "Oh baby baby baby." CHAPTER 57 Racism and fish This is what some people say when fullmetal jacket they see a person who has dark skin colour (because of birth): "Fucking nigger." These people, whose orgins go back to Africa, a continent south of Europe, don't usually like being called this. They like being called "black". This is what they sometimes fullmetal jacket do after someone calls them "fucking nigger", fullmetal jacket they get a bunch of friends together and they go and beat the fuck out of the person who called them the name. They then say this: "Fucking white trash racist bastard." This is what someone told me yesterday: "I like black people, I just really fucking hate niggers." A black person, in their own words is "cool". Thus I assume that what they call a "nigger" is not. Judging someone because of their skin colour or ansestoral orgin is called racism.