EDDIE Good for you. ed o'ross gay

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EDDIE Good for you. Now, let's go get it. First, we gotta get rid of those cars outside. Looks like Sam's hot car lot out there. OK. Blondie, stay gay here and babysit them two. White and Pink, take a car gay each. I'll follow you. You ditch them. Pick up the stones. While I'm following you, I'll arrange some sort of a doctor for our friend. MR. WHITE We can't leave these guys here with him. EDDIE Why not? MR. WHITE 'Cause he's a fucking gay psycho. And if you think Joe's pissed off, that ain't nothing compared to how pissed off I am at him for putting me in the same room as that bastard! MR. BLONDE You see what i've been putting up with, Eddie? I fucking walked in here, I told these guys about staying put, Mr. White whips out his gun, he's sticking it in my face, calling me a motherfucker, saying he's going to blow me away, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
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