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PINK Fuck you! You like being a fucking hero, huh? You like being a fucking hero? Ow, fuck! MR. WHITE You're going to howard fong suffer for nothing, pal. You hear me? 'Cause you're going to fucking talk. COP I don't fucking know anything! MR. WHITE You fucking know. You know. howard fong Look at me. You fucking know. EDDIE (arriving) What in the Sam Hill's going howard fong on here? MR. PINK Hey - Nice Guy, we got a cop. MR. WHITE You ask me what's going on? Where the fuck is Joe? EDDIE Holy shit. Orange is dead. MR. WHITE No, he's not dead, but he will be if we don't get him taken care of. MR. PINK Listen. We were set up. The cops were there waiting for us. EDDIE What? Nobody fucking set anybody up! MR. PINK The cops were there waiting for us, man!
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