Lynn Bracken: You say palestine backstreet boys

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Lynn Bracken: You say fuck a lot. Bud White: You fuck for money. [Stocking a box with liquor for the police's Christmas party] Liquor Store Owner: If I ever get held up, backstreet boys you guys better be here. Ray Pinker: Bud White, what brings you to the basement? Bud White: I got a couple Nite Owl questions. Ray Pinker: I don't know if you'd heard, but that case has been filed "solved." Bud White: Isn't there anything bothering you about it? Ray Pinker: Yeah, the fact that you guys haven't carted all this shit backstreet boys away yet. [Bud starts to look through the crime scene photos] Ray Pinker: I got three shotguns taken from the suspects that match the strike marks on the shells from the Nite Owl. What more do you want? Bud White: There's blood on the wall here. I thought everybody but the cook got shot in the men's room? Ray Pinker: That is Stensland's blood.
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