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Or my father. Sid Hudgens: Get me some narco skinny. I want to do an all-hophead issue. You know, schwartze jazz musicians and movie stars. You like it? Ed gothic pictures Exley: Bud hates himself for what he did. Lynn Bracken: I know how gothic pictures he feels. [last lines] Lynn Bracken: Some men get the world. Others get ex-hookers and a trip to Arizona. [She kisses Exley on the cheek] Lynn Bracken: Bye. Ed Exley: Bye. Ray Pinker: Stomach of the week. Unemployed actor had gothic pictures frankfurter, french fries, alcohol, and sperm. Hell of a last supper, don't you think? Bud White: Bullshit. How would a two-bit hick like Meeks get his hands on a large supply of heroine? Johnny Stompanato: You're right, it's probably bullshit. Even if he did, he could never unload it. Not without drawing all kinds of attention. Bud White: Maybe that's why he's under a house in Elysian Park and he don't smell too good, paesano.
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