Justice. Ed Exley: You band names george w bush

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Justice. Ed Exley: You don't know the meaning of the word you ignorant bastard. Bud White: Oh yeah, well you think it george w bush means getting george w bush your picture in the paper. Why don't you go after criminals for a change instead of cops? [punches Exley in the shoulder and then starts to walk away] Ed Exley: Stensland got what he deserved and so will you. [a furious White tries to attack Exley only to be restrained by the Captain and by several other cops] Captain Dudley Smith: It's best to stay away from a man george w bush when his blood is up. Ed Exley: His blood is always up. Captain Dudley Smith: Then perhaps you should stay away from him altogether. Sid Hudgens: Are you tight with the DA, Jackie? Jack Vincennes: Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
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