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But from Brentwood, I guess it's all the same. anything The Iranian/Arab mistake could still happen, of course, but it's less likely in Los Irangeles than anywhere else. (I have absolute and total persian authority on anything this, having lived in LA briefly anything with an Iranian roommate. Hence the only person who could credibly contradict anything I say would have to be Iranian himself, and where would we ever find such a person?) Go to Main Page | Link | Comments (288) | TrackBack (0)     Best Repudiation of Buckley's Defeatism EVAR Posted by Alameidaon 03.02.06 From comments at Protein Wisdom (oog): Buckley is senile at this point. He simply refuses to face the fact that civil war might be the best thing that could happen to Iraq right now. It could change the political dynamic and that can only be good. But that senile Thurston B. Howell wannabe wants us to cut and run.
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