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Ive witnessed levels ranging from dislike to hatred for the other side. Of course its a lot less these days. I wouldnt say that I understand where a young palistinian young is coming from... I obviously can not... but I know something about irrational disputes that get ingrained in people... and in families. [ Parent ] Re:Jesus Christ! by iocat (Score:1) john terry Tuesday February 21, @12:49PM Re:Jesus Christ! by bheer (Score:3) Tuesday john terry February 21, @01:02PM Re:Jesus Christ! by DrJimbo (Score:1) Tuesday February 21, @02:54PM Re:Jesus Christ! by Hognoxious (Score:2) Tuesday February 21, @03:11PM Re:Jesus Christ! by bheer (Score:1) Tuesday February 21, @04:11PM Ha? by Darkman, Walkin Dude (Score:2) Tuesday February 21, @05:53PM Re:Ha? by bheer (Score:1) Tuesday February 21, @08:27PM 1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Jesus Christ! by Marxist Hacker 42 (Score:3) Tuesday February 21, @01:22PM Re:Jesus Christ!