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or worldwide? [ Parent ] Re:It's a good thing... (Score:5, Funny) by AGMW (594303) on Tuesday February 21, @11:38AM (#14768483) ( A few years back there were a lot of unhappy people in Scunthorpe as their town was always excluded for some reason? [ Parent ] margo winkler Re:It's a good thing... margo winkler (Score:5, Funny) by plover (150551) * on Tuesday February 21, @12:14PM (#14768836) ( | Last Journal: Thursday margo winkler December 22, @11:32PM) Yeah, the same three English teams always seem to get caught in the filtering software: Arsenal Scunthorpe Manchester-fucking-United [ Parent ] Re:It's a good thing... (Score:4, Informative) by Terranaut (885084) on Tuesday February 21, @01:06PM (#14769352) Didn't AOL get some stick for doing this in the last century?