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He was thinking about that when the pope called the third strike. J U S T A S A G backstreet boys U S T Walking past a young man shitting his boxer on a breezy B'way corner just as a backstreet boys gust blows under the dog's distended ass and sweeps the all too fresh odor to my nose reminds me of something I read of Dante's Florence, which "was, thanks to the prosperity and initiative of its citizens, in many ways ahead of its time. Streets were paved and drainage was well provided for, but since all backstreet boys transportation was by horseback, and goods and supplies were borne through the streets on mules and donkeys, the condition of the streets was all but indescribable;" No, dear professor, it is: over the first pavement lay a second, thanks to the prosperity and initiative of the animals, which couldn't be drained away, oh no which couldn't be rinsed off the streets -- like the hair of Allesio Interminei otherwise unknown except for his shitful head (what fabulous and hateful bullshit he must have spread) that Dante gave him in hell.
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