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What the fuck! These are Lice of the Apocolypse and I am going to die before they ever die. 1.5 hours of nit picking (literally) and her head trailers is clear. I swear to God there are no more trailers nits on her head. Please trailers let this be the end. Please. Please. Please. Please let my husband bring me a lovely six pack of Sierra Nevada....or maybe a Bell's. Or maybe I'll just drink Rid straight from the bottle. 2004.12.16 in Lice Fest 2004 | Permalink | Comments (37) About ••• Categories Amsterdam Annoying things deleted a week later Apple Hell/Heaven Bad Days Blogher 2005 Gifts I would have bought Good Days Happy Hour Shoppe I HAVE TO HAVE THIS. Inane Baby Talk Job Trauma Knitting Lice Fest 2004 Limitless Irritation Other Places Pants Please Don't Buy Me... Randomly Thinking Sigh.... Site Business The MOMS® Follies Things I'd Buy If This Wasn't 2004 Things I Don't 'Get' Things To Love About My Family Tickle Me Endlessly do not meet these people on the playground blab-o-ramaBlab-o-Rama is gone but File lives on.
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