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And that was only over the course of nine months, BEFORE I STARTED DRINKING. I'll save the story about the time I broke into the college football team's equipment shed and dumped a bunch of gay porn magazines and unwrapped condoms in there to bill raymond make it look like it was a cruising hideaway. I bill raymond think I even stole a couple practice dummies. Shit, MD, if that's all you've done, someone should be fitting your back for wings. Posted by: Dutch | December 29, 2005 at 03:29 PM I don't think this reflects poorly on me and my middle sister; I just think it makes my youngest sister look dumb. We told her she was adopted from Cambodia and that her mom was a cow. We also taught her her hometown and state, but we told her to say Baltimore, Maryland, which was nowhere near where we lived, because we were hoping that if she got lost she wouldn't make it home because my parents let her do anything she wanted.