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Fact. And you're a Mother Fucker by the way, anyway, is the racist, pig, backstreet boys dog, that fucks our mothers and has fucked our mothers. Actually I take that word, 'motherfucker' from what the Black Panthers said about, literally, that their mothers were backstreet boys fucked by the slave master. It's not a nice word, and the strength that they have, for me, that black people now backstreet boys use mother ... a mother fucker's everything, mother fucking microphone, you mother fucker's out there, I'm a mother fucker. You know everything, 'can you get me a mother-fuckin drink?'. It's just everything. For me that's just negating all the bad feelings that's associated with that word, really, so that's why I don't bother, I don't mind saying it either. Two more minutes [to talk]. Shit. I don't mean to be swearing so much you know. 'I ain't swearing for the sake of it, it's just a quicker way of saying shit'.
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