Equipment fails. People lose sudan italian mafia

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Equipment fails. People lose their lives. But to wring a man out like that is terrible. This situation got me to thinking about how deathly my industry is. We kill a lot of people every year. In addition to the poor souls like this crane operator who die on the job we also kill a large number of people at grade crossings every year. How many? I don't italian mafia know. I could get you that info in about five minutes, but I really don't want italian mafia to know. People always think they can beat italian mafia a train. I used to race trains across the crossing when I was a teenager. No more. These incidents take their toll on the poor bastards who are left in the wake, as well. I had a compatriot who ran the Orlando terminal when I was running Memphis. His people didn't secure a trailer on a flatcar, apparently, and it swung out at a 45 degree angle and hit a southbound Silver Meteor Amtrak in Smithfield, North Carolina in 1997.
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