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He tried to kiss me the next morning after I woke up bear hugged by him. I had to explain to him that the reason I was at his apartment was because I was afraid he would choke on his own vomit in his sleep and he was barely coherent enough to remember his own address. Not to mention, the other two slept over also. movies Talk about your disappointed male, unfortunately his seduction didn't work and was not well received. He did spend movies the day at the Hoboken St. Paddy's Day. In conclusion, it movies might be best if I avoid men altogether in the future and work on my interpersonal relationships with friends. I have never been so turned off in my life when 3 seperate men tried to hook up with me in one day. It's been a really long time since anyone has tried to hook up with me at all. I am not ready to deal with the complexities of another romance but if the right person comes along I could be open.
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