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morton, what grief does it give her? john terry - morton: huh? oh, i get it. well, let's see, what was it again that she puked on me? veal and prawns? - scooter: oh, come on now! - you: no, go ahead, morton. run with that. what's the grief? that'll learn 'em. once you john terry get it rolling, all you gotta do is decide occasionally to play a puppy killing out in detail, so nobody gets john terry too comfortable. you're golden. oh, and of course if they fucking cheated during character creation, it's your civic duty to give them grief till the blood comes out their ears. just in case you forgot. get some kill puppies for satan YourStoreDVDSee All 32Product Categories Your Account | Cart | Wish List | Help | AdvancedSearch | BrowseGenres | TopSellers | New & FutureReleases | TelevisionCentral | Life& Learning | DVDEssentials | BlowoutDVDs | MovieShowtimes | UsedDVDs Search Amazon.comDVD