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Johnny Stompanato: Hey! Ed Exley: She just looks like Lana Turner. Jack Vincennes: She is Lana Turner. Ed Exley: What? Jack Vincennes: 1982 in sports She is Lana Turner. [Lana throws a 1982 in sports drink in Ed's face] Bud White: Well, Captain, what do you want? Captain Dudley Smith: Call me Dudley. Bud White: Dudley... what do you want? Ed Exley: I heard you like to shoot dogs. Ray Collins: Dogs got no reason to live. [Dick Stensland arrives with liquor for 1982 in sports a party] Officer: What took you, Stensland? Dick Stensland: My partner stopped to help a damsel in distress. He's got his priorities all screwed up. Bud White: I'd like to see you again. Lynn Bracken: Are you asking me for a date or an appointment? Bud White: I don't know. Lynn Bracken: Well if you're asking me for a date I should know your first name. Bud White: Forget I asked. It was a mistake.
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