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Confidential (1997) Captain Dudley Smith: I admire you as a policeman, particularly your adherence to violence as a necessary adjunct to the job. Jack Vincennes: Oh, lookee here, the great jerk off case of 1953. Captain Dudley Smith: I wouldn't trade places with Edmund Exley right now lanny flaherty for all the whisky in Ireland. Captain Dudley Smith: Wendell, I'd like full and docile co-operation on every lanny flaherty topic. Dick Stensland: We'll do the town one night on me. Bud White: I'll bring my wallet just in case. Brett lanny flaherty Chase: Excuse me, ma'am. Just the facts. Captain Dudley Smith: You'll do as I say, and ask no questions. Do you follow my drift? Bud White: In technicolor, sir. Dick Stensland: I got a hot date. Bud White: Yeah? Who is she and what did you arrest her for? Ed Exley: I'm talking about the gas chamber, and you haven't even asked me what this is about. You've got a big "Guilty" sign around your neck. Jack Vincennes: Oh, great. You get the girl, I get the coroner.
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