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... muzak ... anonymous CSR2: This is so-and-so, what exactly would you like me to do? (another female, another Indian accent, not sure why there's so anonymous many Indian women working 3rd shift in the call-center, that's an odd demographic) Derek: I'd like you to credit back the overdraft charge, and draft a letter of apology for your mistake so that I can present that to my lender and hopefully they won't try to repossess my car or anything because of your screw-up. CSR2: I can put in a request for the letter, and a request for the credit, anonymous but I could not actually confirm the credit. Derek: Why not? CSR2: Because it requires a supervisor to approve a credit. Derek: Wait, you're there on a night-shift, taking calls from customers, calls which potentially might require a supervisor to handle to completion, and they don't have supervisors to make that happen? CSR2: No sir, supervisors are available from 7AM CST to [someothertime] Derek: So basically, it's not 24 hour customer service, it's business-hours customer service and after hours secretarial service.