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Now go get 'em, cub reporters! Posted by Jim Treacher at 12:54 PM | This better be good vampire pictures (5) | Category: vampire pictures Drawing vampire pictures conclusions Testing, testing According to brainy newspaper-type guys, it's wrong to show an offensive image, but it's okay to describe it. Which is good, because just now I was walking down the street and the wind was blowing pretty hard and this piece of paper flew up against my leg and there was a cartoon on the piece of paper and the cartoon looked like this: Continue reading "Testing, testing" Posted by Jim Treacher at 07:06 AM | This better be good (6) | Category: Drawing conclusions I realize these aren't startling new insights or anything Isn't it interesting that: 1) In the pictures you keep seeing of that London protest, most of the "Behead the infidels" signs have the same handwriting?
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