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It led to the pinkerton funny 1992 Assassinations Disclosure ActThe real Jim Garrison (I) never made the speech that Costner makes at the end of the movie. It was taken from several speeches the he gave pinkerton funny and some of it from his book."X", Donald Sutherland (I)'s character, is based on L. Fletcher Prouty, Chief of Special Operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff (and, thus, principal liaison officer between the Pentagon and the CIA) during the JFK presidency. He was a technical adviser for the film JFK.James Belushi makes a cameo in Director's Cut as an pinkerton funny accomplice of JFK's murder. He appears in Elm Street (where the president was killed) as archive footage when Jim Garrison explains step by step the JFK's murder in the trial."Let justice be done though the heavens fall" is an old Roman maxim: Fiat justitia ruat caelum."[O]ne may smile, and smile, and be a villain" is from Shakespeare's "Hamlet", Act I, Scene V.Star Cruise, Tom was actually born on the third of July.The