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as the #1 film of the 1990s by Entertainment Weekly.When Jack Scagnetti goes into Mallory's cell, and throughout phil bonyata this scene, phil bonyata you can read two different paragraphs above the door phil bonyata in the cell, and below Mallory, on the bedside. The one near the door reads: "Come let's away / to prison we two / alone will sing / like birds in a cage." This is from King Lear as he and Cordelia are being taken to prison. It is a bit more difficult to read what's written on the bedside, but when Mallory puts away her cigarette you can see a glance of this reading, as well as when Mickey enters the room, the paragraph reads: "He is coming! He is coming! / Like a bridegroom from his room / Came the hero from his prison / To the scaffold and the doom." These lines are from the poem "The Execution Of Montrose" by William Edmondstoune Aytoun.The