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but thought, i'm getting paid well, better not ruin a good thing. February 28, 2006 02:19 AM [farhan sikander] call is a gesture one does to communicate and communication leads to conectivty, conectivity is is the vessel in which the social blodd flows essays we must call. February 28, 2006 02:36 AM [musper] Call me essays because I'm in need of a friend. Please do not use landline because the storm ripped out the phone poles. Use my mobile number, it will be pretty faster. February 28, 2006 02:42 essays AM [Samuel John Klein] I recieved a message from a person I'd not heard from in a long time. He said things were not as they seemed but certainly as they looked. "Like as ever?" I Said... "Yes. Like as ever" Then I tuned the radio to the FM Dial and listened to music for a while. February 28, 2006 02:46 AM [RobJ] Makes me think of Blondie - Wish Debbie Harry would call me.