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He calls her a bitch sometimes. Her calls for help fell on silent ears. February 27, 2006 07:08 PM [v] call isre ubersitenews humor jokes music movies sports ar un slow wo are are are areer ubersitenews humor jokes music movies sports ar rereayrae rae ra ae e aeas to much of a matter of imporae way to prevent such occvm leis theimportanvecetakid and what matters ubersitenews humor jokes music movies sports it and does it fall upon pler we ournaces froace thesr aer aer aer aer ae who camattnce. thering perhaps not time worth. but the angain it nedaynglles r February 27, 2006 07:14 PM [dan] there are a lot of way s to ues the word call. you can physically call upon somebody. if you need them jsut call upont them. or you can call them on the phone just pick it up simple as that quick as thge slip of February 27, 2006 07:20 PM [yellowbird] Call me on your way back home, pick me up and take me out and we'll drink coffee without sugar or cream [see, here in the midwest we call that 'regular,' but out east, it's entirely different, you know].