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2006 by Domain Owner. Some Rights Reserved. All views expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the site robert carlyle owner or the rest of its participants. If you have a beef with what they say, contact them, because nobody else is likely to give two flips.Any resemblance robert carlyle to an intelligent thought demonstrated by any Idiotarian is purely coincidental (a million monkeys with a million typewriters and all that), no reason to be alarmed.Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler is proudly powered by WordPress using the Rottie Theme designed robert carlyle by Political Pulpit.In case you care, this page loaded using 120 queries in 0.543 seconds.This blog is protected by dr Dave's Spam Karma 2: 591 Spams eaten and counting... Site Membership RegisterLogin RDF: Articles RSS2: Articles ATOM: Articles RSS2: Comments Home Login Issues? Change theme Check out another theme: plaintxtBlog Rottie III Today's Update Support the Rott There's a Wish List Too!
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