Fuckers. February 09, 2006 middle aged persons community art

fontana labs, templates/tv shows, adrenalin, community art, images, avery brooks, yemeni, arthuriana, bruce boa, broken, danny boyle, it were me, I'd be writing a letter to Pat O'Sullivan. No matter how much of industrial a cunt he is in business, I'm sure he'd industrial be thoroughly embarassed by this kind of fuck up. And while I was at it, I would request industrial compensation as well as an apology.Failing that, you could always take it to ACA or TT February 10, 2006   mscynic said... "Failing that, you could always take it to ACA or TT."OR, you could even take it to someone you know who is searching dismally for stories at the moment.Airs nationally.National embarrassment.Issue close to my heart and all that.Deadline for pre-recorded interview - Thurs 2.30pm SA-time. February 11, 2006   Rach said... Sensitivity seems to be flaking away like so much coconut from the lamington of life. My dad died when I was fifteen (I'm 22 now) and we're still getting mail like that.
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Fuckers. February 09, 2006   Dxxxx said... What the boud said. Arsewipes. Hey I haven't used that insult since school...... community art February 09, 2006   Darcy said... So ouch I don't even know where to start.*googles Optus headquarters**fashions a molotov cocktail from metho, chinese crackers and... molotov* February 09, 2006   violentshoulders said... sounds terrible. i suggest you visit my blog for some laughs to take your mind off it all.PSAre you a hot chick? February 10, 2006   la nadine said... shameless self promotion rarely cheers me up, community art violentshoulders. February 10, 2006   Anonymous said... especially shameless self promotion community art from a bigotted little misogynist. doubt that would cheer you up, nads February 10, 2006   Polywise said... Oooooh nothing quite gets to me like this kind of corporate stupidity.If
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