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fontana labs, templates/tv shows, adrenalin, community art, images, avery brooks, yemeni, arthuriana, bruce boa, broken, danny boyle, function blogspotInit() {} Welcome to Nadstown population: one Wednesday, February 08, 2006 optus. 'NO!' as many of you know, my wonderful mother died last year.i have no desire to wax emotional about that today, though.instead i want to share with you a disturbing piece of mail i opened was a promotional letter from pinkerton funny optus, addressed to my mum, expressing pinkerton funny the company's "regret" that she had "chosen to cancel her optus account" and hoping that she would "consider using their services once again in future".HUH?!?the woman died for fuck's sake! she did not "choose" to cancel pinkerton funny anything!and they have her death certificate and a letter from me on file to prove it.but wait, it gets worse.this was on the front page of the letter:and this was on the back:tasteless much?and what's more, accompanying the above were pictures of talking birds with speech bubbles that read "are we there yet?" and "i think we should go back where we came from".TALKING
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