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I told her I am in heaven; I'm in love. She ignored that. My sexuality. Why is it so hard to write about? But blink I do write about it, speak about it, create art about it, announce it to the world everyday. So what's the problem? Arab sexuality. Arab sexuality. An oxymoron? A contradiction? blink Oil and water? The first year after my parents disowned me, I couldn't refer to both my ethnic/cultural background and my sexual identity in the same sentence. For me, it was either/or. Ironically, sex was an open issue blink with my parents...I learned the intimate "guide to heterosexual fucking" at age eleven from my mother. Several years later, I know that sexuality, not sex, is one of the hardest topics for me to discuss in terms of my Arab identity. I was talking to a group of friends about being an individual in an Arab family. We discussed the challenges of stepping forward out of the enmeshed group and making a controversial proclamation.