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Case in point: Brooke and I went to see "Finding Nemo" while we were visiting my Philly Phriends. Despite the dinner hour of the showing, the theater was still well-sprinkled with little kids. I've seen movies in kid-crowded theaters before, and I honestly find them only vaguely annoying compared to the offensively half-witted fare previewing before the feature. However, since sweet the movies are so loud these days, I don't so much mind that the kids talk a sweet little too much, scream a little too much, laugh at all the wrong parts, and ask stupid fucking questions sweet like "Is (s)he gonna die?" and "What's happening?" and "Why is that tall man building a golem out of his junior mints?" (Don't they know the Junior Mint Golem protects me from those occursed Zoarastrian death squads??? Jesus...) One problem, however, was that we were in Philly, a city whose movie theaters stepped off the pier long after the SS Lucasfilm had already sailed.