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its gh3y the new and improved Joe 2/24/2006 9:52 PM your such a dick! lol i love the comments!!!!!! Peace aroundthe bend Chris+Joy=Chrysjoy 2/20/2006 7:49 aroundthe bend PM thats what boredom does to ya...random, ugly ass pics...haha. Chris+Joy=Chrysjoy 2/20/2006 6:13 PM dude-start becoming a myspace freak like me...and check this EVERY SINGLE DAY. Chris+Joy=Chrysjoy 2/19/2006 9:34 PM nursing home aroundthe bend bathroom. enough said. :) i hate you for telling me that. code poet 2/16/2006 7:15 AM Dude do you ever check this? Anyway, we need to chill sometime, I'm starting to get bored watching movies by myself when I get home from work. Need to put that Netflix to use boy. Oh, and my video card blew in that snow storm even when the fucking computer was off. Sucked majorly. But I am most likely going to buy a 7800GS as soon as I confirm that its not the board that's dead.