party, boobies, tony danza, larry david, camelot, gabe jeffrey, berber, chuck low, industrial, squishy, robert smith, lebanon, iraqi, lyrics, lamont,
We davina offered our carpet installers sodas or beer...we bought our movers lunch and davina sodas...I've offered my apartment maintenance man drinks. But that is with my husband or roommate home. Never alone, not these days. In fact, I won't have a workman come to my home, intentionally, without someone here with me. Some call it paranoid. I call it cautious. As for the valet, you tip upon return. posted by Dana on March 6, 2006 06:54 PM « Hide Comments posted by Key davina on 01:25 PM | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0) February 25, 2006 Bug Man Blues Why is it so hard to find a good bug man? I don't like appointments. They suck. Committing me to be somewhere at a specific time on a specific date, knowing that when that date actually arises, my good fortune will lavish upon me some inconsolable conflict... No thanks. Of course I have my fair share of when and wheres, but...I