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Dave Chappelle: Man, fuck you son! I'm glad you dreams think he's so gaddamn hilarious because he just walked off with your school clothes money. It's, isn't it? I'm broke nigga, I'm broke! [Darius' grandmother catches him masturbating in the bathroom] Darius: Granny, don't! Darius' Grandma: dreams Well, hurry the hell up, Darius! Unlike you, I'm getting a little action tonight, you bunk bitch. Chris: Hey Tanisha, it was good seeing you. Darius: "Good seeing you?" Good seeing you? That's my girl, nigga! I keep it real! [Darius is watching his grandma making out] Darius' Grandma: Darius, dreams you big dummy... This ain't no show and tell... Take a walk. Old Man: Yeah, and get some rubbers! Darius' Grandma: Get the big ones. Old Man: Fucking right! [during a basketball game with Prince] Charlie Murphy: Hey Prince, you got a towel? It's kinda hot in here. Prince: Why don't you purify yourself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka? Arsenio Hall: This is some good ass cheese! Silky Johnson: That was Beautiful.
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