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Hey, I got $. Here. Fifty dollars? You took everything! Mommy? I'm coming, I'm coming! - He doesn't have it. - Hasn't got what? I have it. He doesn't have the impenetrable cloak! Lara, stay outta the street! - It's okay, Daddy. - What... What? I'll protect you. It's okay. Daddy's okay. It's a feature film drama really good cloak. I sent her out for groceries, and that was two hours ago, Carol. Well, you are one to talk. You go through, like, six housekeepers a year? I'm not snapping at you! I am angry. Yes! feature film drama At them! Yes! At them, the police, at Rick, at Maria, at the dry cleaners who destroyed another blouse today, at the gardener who keeps overwatering the lawn. I... I just thought that... Carol, I just thought that I would wake up today and I would feel better, you know? But I was still mad. And I realized...