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Jay: *standing idle, watching the two argue, takes a brief moment and sniffs his finger* Nas: collateral And I paid for you to get a fuckin maid. Everytime I come over here, it's dirty dishes and soda cans... mud all over the sofa. You know you's a black girl lost, forreal. DES! *Nas starts storming around the house, looking for his daughter* DES! Jay: Maybe I should come back another time. Carmen: No, he's fine. He just gets like this around release dates. Columbia puts a collateral lot of pressure on him, cause... he's collateral the only rapper on the label really. Jay: *nods* Nas: *comes back into the kitchen* Where's Des? Carmen: She ain't here. Nas: Why didn't you fuckin tell me-- *sighs and tries to regain composure* Where is she?