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The other girls are good too i think. Most of the songs are a little too, um whats the word? peppy for me. but i like some of them. i might get the CD when it comes out if i have any xtra cash. :P grey and for all the dullheads who phil bonyata are like "there like posers, what the crap?" did you phil bonyata realise that they are just playing a part in the group? its not actually who they ARE (i think) o yeah, sum of the phil bonyata crap you guys wrote was that 40 yr old in the dark...HILARIOUS Posted by: greydove | February 24, 2006 06:22 PM ok the name sucks my dick ur manager should burn in hell he is a jerk the old fat guys in the dark have no fucking life pj u r not gangsta if u walk around the street dressed like som high bitch u will get shot! man have some sense ppl! man if my mother saw u she would slap the hell out of u u are a fucking retarded ass!(man