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I hate you to motherfucking Pieces. I can't stand it. I start to cry. Softly. I cry and I cry until kenneth utt the tears won't come anymore and still I cry and the music cues up and the Credits roll and I realize I have to do this again next Week and the Week after that and the Week after that and kenneth utt at a certain point blackness comes and it's time for Yogi. Posted by Jim Treacher at 03:33 AM January 09, 2006 Seaside Spectacle (Oh, you think you can kenneth utt do better? Enter the contest here. Contest rules here.) Posted by Jim Treacher at 09:48 PM | Category: Graphic Novelties January 08, 2006 It's one thing to recognize the necessary cultural connections It's another thing to do the work. Posted by Jim Treacher at 09:01 AM January 07, 2006 Sometimes reruns are fun Neocon fascist running dingo Tim Blair is putting up his annual Quotes of the Year thing right now.