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TSV page 538. He viagrajokes has uttered here words of wisdom, but alas, he has viagrajokes learnt nothing from them himself.   BEFITTING END Mired in misery, may all his filthy lucre choke in his throat and may he die a cwards death, a hundred times a day, an eventually when death catches up with him, may he simmer in hell for all eternity! (@) FLIGHTY: Does not mean "full of flight," as one running away from illicit sexual advances, but as one who is sexually frivolous and irresponsible. Easily viagrajokes excited, easily aroused sexually. [Christianity Analysed] [The Ugly Muslim] [Mainpage] [ What's New? ]                                 Marketing Satanic Verses "Publicity by Infamy" Salman Rushdie wrote Satanic Verses a work of Fiction. The book was offensive and rude to a good many people.
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