freemp3s, edward furlong, 1981 in sports, gratis, richard bright, art chudabala, songs, crash(widescreen edition), fontana labs, poetry, wtmotherf, insomniac, jim turner, alice cooper, blogstream, culture, edward saxon, mob, jerusalem, group hug, robert b. weide, stars, saudi arabian, punchthem,
You have to level the walls as much as you can before the assyrian time runs out and, lo, there is much twee squeaking. ------------------------------------------------- : STAR IN NEXT WEEK'S ISSUE Make something cool and tell us about it. If you are in it then people will see your stuff. assyrian Things we'd really like to see assyrian include * THE OFFICE FAKIR - can you walk on drawing pins? Can you staple your eyelids shut? What about a post-it note mummification? Enlightenment, and a no small bit of web noteriety awaits your sacrifice. * BEARD SONG - grow about a months worth of facial hair. Film your self singing to the tune of Godley & Creme's Cry, " I don't know how to grow a beard". Trim your beard. Sing the next line, "YOU don't know how to grow a beard." Trim it again. Carry on with the singing, " My beard, my beard, I really want a beard."