freemp3s, edward furlong, 1981 in sports, gratis, richard bright, art chudabala, songs, crash(widescreen edition), fontana labs, poetry, wtmotherf, insomniac, jim turner, alice cooper, blogstream, culture, edward saxon, mob, jerusalem, group hug, robert b. weide, stars, saudi arabian, punchthem,
So I did: 'ALL USERS: COMPUTER NO LONGER bregman FUCKED' We laughed. Then, I dropped my coffee mug. It landed on the Enter key. Our network had several hundred users in many varied locations bregman round the world. I was no longer one of them." (scaryduck) We'd like to send our condolences to Hazey's mate who managed to get "I've an arse-hole like the back of Batman's car" to pop up over a friend's presentation bregman to his directors, and we are slightly scared by Spastic Lequee's admission that he "tends not to wank in office stationery anymore." >> This Week's Question << When animals attack... Have you been beaten up by an ant? Talk to us here: ------------------------------------------------- : SIGNS OF THE APOCALYPSE In-car toilet Three tips for on being caught short whilst needing a piss: firstly there's the tried-and-tested crossing your legs and and bouncing on the seat method.