wordssong lyrics 50 cent that's what's up feat_ g unit guess who's back?, news, suzanne shepherd, listof films, matt dillon, pauline lynch, humor magazine, televison, sean stone, robert carlyle, evil thatcher,
She must have been quite a guinevere fossil. Her author portraits portrayed a tiny bird of a woman with candy floss like white hair, perched on a gaudy throne. She was the queen of romance. 5:28 PM Dear Pacific Bell, Darling, this is guinevere no way to start a relationship. To leave me sitting by the phone, waiting patiently for your call. You must know that when you say "I'm gonna call", well, a girl takes that to heart. You make a date and then don't show. guinevere That's OK. It's my fault, but then you make another and miss that. Sigh. And then when I call, you deny ever making the date. What's a poor girl to do? I'm just sitting here, broken hearted, moping over my dial up access with visions of DSL dancing through my poor tortured mind. I see you out there, talking to all the other girls, singing your siren song of connectivity. Don't toy with me baby, we could be so good together...