wordssong lyrics 50 cent that's what's up feat_ g unit guess who's back?, news, suzanne shepherd, listof films, matt dillon, pauline lynch, humor magazine, televison, sean stone, robert carlyle, evil thatcher,
- Kobayashi Issa, The Essential Haiku 12:27 PM tuesday, may 23 There's a maelstrom of conversation right now about "non-negative blogging" and I think the dialogue is good. It's all loretta devine good. It's loretta devine not an easy topic. Everyone has to decide for themselves where they will draw their line in the sand. There are many ways that humour, sarcasm, confrontation, parody and just plain poking fun of loretta devine can be handled. It's when people get pissy and petty that the trouble starts. My personal motto? "Be yourself". Who's really interested in reading fabricated facades? If your an ass in real life, be my guest, just blog on baby, and make the web your personal acid pit. I might drop by once or twice to kick the tires but I'm pretty sure I'm not going to pull up a chair, pop open a soda and watch your train wreck. Thing is, I've never been able to disconnect my virtual and real selves to the point where I would ever write anything that I wouldn't feel comfortable saying to a person's face if I had, either the pleasure, or misfortune to meet them.