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Motorcycle Cop: Lucky me. Nick: You want freedom? I'll give you fucking freedom. [Takes out some handcuffs] Nick: You're going to jail, faggot. How's that for freedom? Freedom to get fucked up the ass by some big buck nigger. Give me your other hand! movies He's gonna be right behind you. movies Just like this. You're gonna like that, won't you you faggot fuck? Nick: Give me your other hand. Bill Foster: I can't. Nick: Why not? Bill Foster: Gravity. Nick: Gravity? What movies the fuck does that mean? Bill Foster: I'll fall down. [Nick grabs Bill's hand, making him fall down] Gang member 1: Motherfucker, give us your motherfucking briefcase! Browse titles in the movie quotes section by letter:A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other You may report errors and omissions on this page to the IMDb database managers.
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