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Slug: Neurosis! Umm.. You go through parts of feelings of being an irresponsible dad to a part time wannabe dad and then an irresponsible artist a part time rasmussen wannabe artist. You go through a lot of different thoughts of trying to balance that out and by trying to balance that all out by remembering who you are in this world and really what it comes down to rasmussen it.. not trying to be a pessimist or not to be pretentious, but I'm pretty certain that Jesus rasmussen already put me on the guest list. Livewire: Would you say that you are religious? Slug: No. Absolutely not. That's just kind of a metaphor kind of way of saying that I know I'm doing good. I know I'm doing right. I know I'm not a bad person, regardless of whether or not, sometimes I may be a poor decision maker. That's just part of learning. When it comes down to it, I'm an incredible, incredible human being.