gina mastrogiacomo, christine baranski, art, raymond j. barry, text, information, eddie j. fernandez, syrian, tabs, turkish, transexual, armenia, gay, underground, writing, scott walker (ix), donal sutherland, welker white, danny boyle,
As stated in the book, yeast is cds definitely contraband, but for the sake of this culinary experiment we'll just assume I gave the prison baker a hand-job. But then the guy wouldn't give me the yeast! SO I STABBED HIM WITH A cds PEN IN THE EYE AND TOOK IT! And I was all, "DON'T FUCK WITH STEVE!" Yes. This is what we should assume. As for the White Prison Wine, it would contain: White grape juice and the moldy bread sock. No extra yeast added. For cds the requisite sugar, I went with some powdered drink mix, a few packets of ketchup and a handful of Tigger fruit snacks. Hmm... I can't put my finger on why, but I could swear these ingredients almost look at home in this garbage bag. It must be the lighting. (Incidentally, I realized I forgot to take a picture of this one with the grape juice, but then I remembered that's okay because... in Hell, this is all you get!) I knotted up the bags, poked a straw in the top as the recipe called for and tucked them away in our bathroom for safe keeping.