I'm not really bilingual. archive benny blanco

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I'm not really bilingual. I speak a single bi-systemic language. More than once, I've found myself blabbing away to someone and wondering why they look as though they don't understand what I'm saying, until it has dawned on me that I haven't been benny blanco speaking the language benny blanco I thought I was. The influence of French, and not only French, on my English is, of course, very strong, but you are likely a better benny blanco judge of that than I am. I might add that I read almost exclusively in French. Even Auster and JC Oates. Weird, uh? A habit. That insulates me from a natural tendency towards mimicry. And protects me from being constantly reminded of how many people are writing so fabulously well in English. What's the question you thought I'd ask you, but haven't yet? (How would you answer it?) I might have expected a question about style, mine being distinctive apparently. I don't think I'll answer it though, except to say that I have, at my work station, I just counted them, sixteen dictionaries in four languages.
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