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Yes, yes, a hundred times, yes. Writing, while always ed white literary, is, for me, a kind of talking. How does being a Quebec-based writer affect your work? As a writer, I am Quebec-based, but as a person I am simply a Quebecer. It is true that the ed white Saint Lawrence is treacherous between Montreal and Quebec City. I've ed white been at the helm going down it, actually, so I know. But below Quebec, it's a strong, majestic river. Montmagny, La Pocatière, Charlevoix. Lovely names. My Quebec is as much outside as inside the big cities. Socially, it's a bit tricky, and the social aspect of writing is important. When Very Good Butter came out, I knew exactly nobody in the English-speaking writing world. Nobody. Now, though, I have some really good friends, in Ottawa and in Toronto. Without them, I might very well have let Kwaznievski choke in my PC's memory. Linguistically, the importance of being in Quebec is immeasurable.