boobies, tony danza, larry david, camelot, gabe jeffrey, berber, chuck low, industrial, squishy, robert smith, lebanon, iraqi, lyrics, lamont, 1982 in sports,
Ponder that for a while instead of brainlessly putting hits out on political opponents. add drama your comments . . . by Jen • Wednesday drama July 20, 2005 at 11:37 PM All I can say is people need to grow up, get over themselves and find something a hell of a lot better to waste their time on. It's year 2005, not 1865, get over it. Quit sitting there and bitching about how you live in a shithole and it's some other race's fault. Why not be an adult and do something about your own damn life? Mommy and daddy can only take your hand for so long, but I guess if you're still on your sorry ass at 30, I guess that's all you know. add your comments Real nazis by Mark SPLINTER • Friday July 22, 2005 at 05:58 AM When i look at the lines of nazis and compare them to the lines of policemen, i don't see the difference.