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You not only stole a country and ran in into the ground - now you are bragging about it. If you are so proud of what you are doing - take off the masks, stop meeting in the woods, and unfogged talk to us (about whatever it is your crying about this month), we'll be glad to take your concerns into consideration. Oh wait, there aren't that many of you, are there? Sorry. Common sense overrules. Next topic. Move on. add your comments reality check by quel unfogged • Tuesday September 21, 2004 at 01:18 AM I just think that GOD unfogged created everybody differently, he's our maker if you wnat to hate the black folks then you would have to hate GOD too for making us,live with it or deal with GOD on that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! add your comments mind your own fucking business by never mind • Friday October 08, 2004 at 12:29 PM u all deserve 2 die u scum bags.