Livewire: How do you alcohol 1976 in sports

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Livewire: How do you feel about the term "emo-rap" that some people have given you? Slug; (sighs) There was a time where I was a little defensive about it but nowadays I don't really care. Like I see through it. I see through peoples' need to label things. I understand where it comes from and most things.. The reason people do things like that.. that's bigger then me! That's bigger then my little 1976 in sports role in rap. That's bigger then my little role in the entertainment industry. 1976 in sports The peoples need to label things have been around a 1976 in sports lot longer then I have been around. You know what I'm saying? It's like especially when.. If you look at in a journalistic standpoint, its kind of your job to explain to people who know nothing about it - what it is and it's best if you can do it in the least amount of words as possible. So, let's say you make up this new term called "emo-rap" and basically you're saving yourself about fifty words by saying that!
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