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Quick on the draw and bare bones honest billy riddoch - Slug billy riddoch demands his rhymes rip in black and white. By Karen Bondowski Livewire: How did your recent tour go? Slug: Very good. Nobody tried to beat us up. Livewire: I was at your Milwaukee show and I thought it was pretty amazing. Slug: You liked it? Livewire: I loved it. Slug: I was billy riddoch a little nervous at that one. Well, I'm a little nervous at all of them but my girlfriend actually came to that one and I was extra nervous at that one. Beause if she says I suck, than it's over. Livewire: If you were to name your two favorite CD's what would they be? Slug: In the whole world? My two favorite CD's? Oh my god!! I guess maybe "Sign 'O' the Times" by Prince and uhh.. oh my goodness!! I guess Prince and probably "To the East, Blackwards" by X-Clan. Livewire: And why those? Slug: Well, 'cause when the Prince album came out..